Since I can remember, I’ve always had mediumship abilities and the gift of communicating with spirits and extra terrestrial beings.
Although this was my normal state of being as a child, I was always encouraged to hide and ignore it so I could fit in.
As I grew older, the gifts started to amplify.
I would receive information for my loved ones and be blown away by the resonance when I shared it.
Although I knew this gift of mine could help so many people, I was petrified to come out to the world.
What would my family and hometown say about my ‘crazy’ abilities… Would they think I lost my mind?
As the years went by, time and time again, I would share in safe spaces with people I knew and it would constantly be reflected back to me that I could not keep this a secret anymore.
I had to build up the courage to put myself out there in a big way.
I knew that holding back and staying in the closet would be helping NO ONE and… it would also prevent me from living the type of life I wanted to live.
In my heart, what I really wanted was to be completely FREE to be me, whilst sharing my gifts and supporting amazing souls to do the same.
And it took me years to build up the courage to get out of my comfort zone.
I studied Transpersonal Counselling, Theta Healing, Pranic Healing and various other modalities. Although all helpful, all another excuse to simply not talk about or channel the higher dimensional beings that were showing up time and time again.
And they did just that, during sessions with healing clients I would see extra terrestrial beings through my third eye vision.
They told me they could teach me a much more efficient way of healing and supporting others. I would ask them to go away. I couldn’t stand the thought of dealing with what other people would think.
Every time I would try build myself up to sharing, I’d remember how I grew up with society judging me for being different…
There was no one in my life that would believe me. No one would take my abilities seriously.
The people I was afraid of judging me were those who I didn’t even have contact with anymore… Friends from the past, people from previous jobs and from the hometown where I grew up.

Yet the desire to be all of me, live a life I was in love with and make a difference was deep within my soul.
I KNEW I came to planet Earth with a purpose. I’ve always known I was a missioned soul.
And then I remembered all the mediums, healers and channellers around the world and the profound impact they have had in the life of millions of people. If they started somewhere, so could I.
I remember being at a meditation retreat where I had a very powerful vision that it was time for me to be authentically all of me and share my truth with the world.
I was petrified. I knew I was going to need some help.
Shortly after the retreat I came across a business mentor that would truly support me change my life.
The investment was bigger than anything I had invested in before, yet I KNEW in my heart that it was exactly the guidance I needed to help me breakthrough into my greater purpose.
At the same time, so many fears started to dawn upon me… Who am I to channel these incredible galactic beings? What if I fail? Who will want to work with me?
Yet the desire to create a better life and follow my passion and purpose was bigger than any fears. So I wrote a post coming out of the ‘extra terrestrial wardrobe.’
I felt called to share it on the Gaia Tv Facebook group which had over 20,000 members. The post blew up and I had hundreds of likes and comments from people all over the world…
They were saying how much they resonated with my message and were thanking me for having the courage to speak up.
In that moment reading those messages I realised the power of being all of me. I was meeting my soul family in the spiritual and physical realms.
When I backed myself and chose my truest path, people and situations that served me at the highest started to show up.
I called my mum to let her know I had ‘come out’ about my abilities and connection with extra dimensional beings and to apologise if there was a backlash in our hometown.
She said “Rubia, I don’t care at all about what people will think or say. I remember since you were a teenager you never felt like you fit in and it has taken you 20 years to find your people and your passion. Now you can go out there and support others to do the same in a much shorter period of time.”
"My mother had my back and that was another beautiful synchronistic sign of the universe for me to keep going for my dreams, no matter how crazy they sounded to some people."
So I continued to channel these galactic beings without actually knowing exactly who they were. Yet I got guidance to continue so I did.

So to all the Leaders of the New Earth...
To all those taking their mission and being devoted to them…
I honour you, I see you.
I’m so here with you creating a New Earth.
Much love, Rubia
To raise the consciousness of humanity so we can live in a world where people are achieving and living their goals and dreams whilst following their true path, doing what they love and experiencing a life of true fulfilment, happiness, abundance and freedom.
My mission is to support and guide other Starseeds and Advanced Souls ascension at the highest through Activating Higher-Self and Higher Timelines of Existence.
I assist in the deactivation of limitations while activating deeper states of intuition, clarity, courage and faith in their own path. I do this through private and group mentoring, healing and channeling, events and ceremonies.
Are You Being your TRUE Self?
If you too want to see your dreams come true just know that it is possible when you believe they can and when you take action to get there.
You don’t have to know how, you just have to keep going and TRUST and have FAITH that you are on the right path.
Believe in yourself and surround yourself with people that believe in you too.
When you honour yourself as the unique being that you are, your life becomes extraordinary.